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Ukraine Freedom Art
Art for Ukrainian freedom commissioned by All works are (c) 2022, all rights reserved.
"Stop the War on Ukraine"
Artist: Deborah Pike, United Kingdom

"Oleksandr Korpan, Hero of Ukraine"
Artist: Tanya Demchenkova, Odesa
Oleksandr Korpan was a Ukrainian pilot who heroically died covering his friends. Korpan was named the best strike aviation pilot of 2021 and was posthumously awarded honored as a "Hero of Ukraine."

"Defense of Odesa and Sinking of the 'Moskva'"
Artist: Johannes Roots, Estonia

"The Defense of Kharkiv"
Artist: Johannes Roots, Estonia

"The Defense of Mariupol"
Johannes Roots, Estonia

"The Defense of Kyiv"
Johannes Roots, Estonia

"Freedom of Ukraine"
Artist: Gabriella Shcherban, Mukachevo, Ukraine

"Stop the War"
Artist: Haitham Saad, Libya

"Stop the War, Save People"
Collage by Galya-Radanova of original art by Oksana Drachkovska, Lviv. Used with both artists' permission.

"Mother of the Nation, 2022"
Батьківщина мати, 2022
Artist: Hyu Nguyen, Vietnam

"Peace and Bright Memory"
Artist: Namrata Patel, India

"Peace for Ukraine"
Artist: Edgardo Estango, Venezuela